Industry Focus

Industry Involvement

This master's degree has a strong involvement of industrial partners, thus becoming an opportunity for students to interact with a set of important players with whom CISTER has regularly collaborated on projects with CRITICAL SOFTWARE, GMV SKYSOFT, AIRBUS, CEiiA, HONEYWELL, EMBRAER , EDISOFT, ALTRAN, EFACEC, BOSCH, among others.



Industry-Driven R&D Projects

Besides the direct involvement of industry, this master course will also involve outstanding industry-driven R&D projects that are part of the roadmap towards the innovation of Critical Computing Systems in the international panorama. Students will be acquainted and involved in impactful international ongoing R&D projects that target innovation of Critical Computing Systems. These projects typically cover multiple use cases, addressing a range of application domains, and result in prototype solutions that are expected to be adopted by future industrial products.

The CISTER research centre of ISEP will support the transfer of technical and scientific challenges of selected ongoing research projects into the scope of lectures and student projects. This will provide students with hands-on experience on highly competitive R&D projects in an international panorama. A complete list of projects can be found in CISTER's projects section.


