
Response time analysis of hard real-time tasks sharing software transactional memory data under fully partitioned scheduling
Ref: CISTER-TR-160408       Publication Date: 23 to 25, May, 2016

Response time analysis of hard real-time tasks sharing software transactional memory data under fully partitioned scheduling

Ref: CISTER-TR-160408       Publication Date: 23 to 25, May, 2016

Software transactional memory (STM) is a synchronisation paradigm which improves the parallelism and composability of modern applications executing on a multi-core architecture. However, to abort and retry a transaction multiple times may have a negative impact on the temporal characteristics of a real-time task set. This paper addresses this issue: It provides a framework in which an upper-bound on the worst-case response time of each task is derived, assuming that tasks are scheduled by following either the Non-Preemptive During Attempt (NPDA), Non-Preemptive Until Commit (NPUC) or Stack Resource Policy for Transactional Memory (SRPTM) policy.

António Barros
Patrick Meumeu Yomsi
Luis Miguel Pinho

11th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2016).
Krakow, Poland.

Record Date: 29, Apr, 2016